Morning MULPsters!
I've collected together the latest news from the MULPverse for your catch up digest!
Page 45 Review
As well as showing us amazing support and making MULP #1 available for pre-orders, Page 45 have written up an incredibly lovely and personally very touching review! This comment in particular had me speechless (which for anyone who knows me is quite an achievement!)"Right, so you have bought your daughter, son, nephew or niece this thrilling adventure. Well done, you! And you bought another copy for yourself. Well, quite right too! But I bet you never expected the Sara Dunkerton sketchbook in the back whose pencil work is a veritable masterclass in pistol-packing, punch-throwing pugilism. The eager young artists in your family will be copying and learning from those poses for hours!"
This in particular touched me as I do this myself! I love seeking out my favourite artists rough conceptual drawings and learning their creative development, it seemed only natural to include something I enjoy seeing in comics in our own!
Thank you so much! :)
Next up, we announced that the incredibly talented Christian Wildgoose (Porcelain, Butterfly Gate) was kind enough to contribute to our first issue with this awesome pin-up!
I cannot describe my glee when I first saw this! I just love what he has done with our characters!! Chris will be sharing a table with Matt and I at Bristol Comic Expo on May 10th - 11th.
Stacey's Pop culture Parlour - MULP podcast review!
Back on the review front, MULP got a glowing one on Stacey's 27th podcast episode! Stacey Taylor and Paul Richardson also talk about a whole host of geeky goodness including Captain America: Winter Soldier and Agents of SHIELD, so give it all a listen!The review starts at around [01:07:30]
Thank you again Stacey, hugs back atcha! :D
Geek Syndicate Elevator Pitch
The guys over on the Geek Syndicate blog posted up an elevator pitch for us, including the first 5 pages of the comic!
Cheers guys!! :)
Nic's Sticky Notes Review!
Our good friend Nic Wilkinson kindly posted up a very lovely review over on Cy Dethan's blog. Being a fan of anthropomorphic comics herself I'm incredibly pleased she loved the first issue!
"You know when something turns up in the post that is so delightful that it makes you smile all day, then all the next day, and then whenever you think about it? It doesn’t happen often, does it? But that is exactly the effect of MULP: Sceptre Of The Sun, a tale of high adventure, the romance of history and intrepid rodent heroes."
Final bit of news I have for you, today we revealed two prints that I have created to mark the launch of MULP: Sceptre of the Sun issue #1!
These prints feature our hero Jack Redpath and the femme fatale Jeanne Moreau in the style of 1930's posters, they will be available to buy at our table along with the first issue.
This year BCExpo has relocated to a new venue, the Future Inns Conference Centre on Bond Street South. Full details and tickets are available via
If you’re not attending BCExpo, you’ll be able to pick up a copy of MULP: Sceptre of the Sun #1 on May 7th thanks to the kind support of the following shops:
Gosh! (London) - via their email:
Page 45 (Nottingham) - visit their store page
Travelling Man (Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, York) - visit their store page